Nakilon's blog

A little uninteresting write-up on the most recent GitHub commits

The July is almost over now.
I've added a link to this blog to my GitHub profile.

The WSUI gem was intended to have multiple purposes but the first implemented examples were such that they do computations only when you interact with them. So I made the example that works in background -- the Collatz conjecture verifier that shows how the gem could be used as a monitoring tool for long-running or rather infinite tasks.

Also I made a calculator example that emulates a real-life calculator where you press digit after digit. Surprisingly the thing appeared to be less trivial than it looks -- you have to store a lot of variables and the implementation is still a bit simplified.

I've refactored the sockets part of my IRC bot gem the 100th time and it became more reliable. Also in that commit I've implemented the Twitch bot autoreply when people ask stream what musical track is playing right now.
Another new feature of my bot is less useful but makes fun -- the ability to +rep/-rep each other.

This month does not feel productive. Pretty sure the next one will be worse.
Maybe there is something else about coding I could share but I can't remember right now. I feel exhausted by non-coding issues.

#blog #gem nakiircbot #gem wsui #math #twitch